• 626.831.6953
  • info@mgempowerment.com

Our MG Empowerment Women's Self Defense Online Course is a FREE 11-course topic program, created by Maurice A. Gomez Sr. Our course has also been reviewed & validated by FBI Criminal Psychologist, Dr. Natasha Bullock whom is a close personal colleague of Mr. Gomez.

The course aims to introduce women to an array of subjects that concern their personal safety, from sexual assaults to potentially abusive partners (both emotionally and physically). Each lesson looks at a separate issue of self-protection and personal safety. At the end of the program, you should be empowered to predict, identify and avoid violent situations and the individuals who design and orchestrate them.

Before working through the 11 lessons (our suggestion is to study one a week - there is a large amount of content and a lot of information to digest) it is advisable to first read the Introduction Platform section of the course as this introduces you to some fundamental concepts and principles that are referred to throughout the lessons, and will help give you a better understanding of the lesson's content.

This course isn't simply a list of do's and do not's, nor does it prescribe a set of safety rules you should follow, instead it looks at educating and empowering you, so that you are able to make dynamic risk assessments of the situations you find yourself in where harmful intent may be present.

To learn more about our approach to personal safety/self-defense, and how if differs from most other systems of self-protection, please click here.

Each self-protection lesson will give you the information you need to help you predict, identify and avoid violence before it occurs. It will also provide you with a lot of background information as to why predatory and aggressive individuals act and behave the way they do. This information isn't given simply to increase your head knowledge around the subject, but so that you are better able to understand how and why you should respond to them and their threat in a certain way. The focus of the course is on understanding and adopting personal safety habits that will harden you as a target, and prevent you from appearing on predatory individual's radars, and if you are for whatever reason picked up and targeted, are able to understand their actions and behaviors which indicate that, they have harmful intent towards you and that you are in danger. With this advance warning you can put into play strategies for extracting yourself from the situation.

This online course is 100% FREE. If you would like to donate to assist with cost of research, future workshops, seminars and course materials for our programs, you may visit our donation page here. We greatly appreciate the support and hope that you enjoy this FREE online course.