• 626.831.6953
  • info@mgempowerment.com
MG Women's Self Defense - PINK BELT PROGRAM

“Empowerment is contagious for those who harness the courage to deal realistically and safely with some of your worst and most terrifying fears. Empowerment is about giving yourself authority. When people are more confident with personal space, boundaries, and physical skills, they can enhance their relationships more positively and with more fulfilling interaction. You are never alone on your journey towards empowerment” -M. Gomez


pink beltThe MG Women's Self Defense Pink Belt Program was designed to empower the weak against the strong through efficient & effective self-defense principles and street-tested based techniques. The women's self-defense program was created by Maurice Gomez over the last 12+ years of criminal and predator study based on the concepts of American Kenpo Karate. Over the years it's evolved beyond that, consisting of not just American Kenpo Karate, but also to include boxing, muay-thai, brazilian jiu-jitsu, filipino martial arts & law enforcement tactics.

With decades of martial arts experience, Maurice Gomez created specialized defense tactics specific to the needs of not only his own students and clients, but as a former law enforcement self-defense tactics trainer, He identified the most common threats faced in their duties and packaged only the techniques and principles needed to prepare them for immediate use.

While working with law enforcement, he became aware of a shocking statistic that hit home - that one in every 4 women would be attacked in their lifetime. With his fiancee and 2 daughters, that meant one of them would experience an attack at some point in her life. 

This concern was the catalyst in the creation of the our Women Self-Defense Program called, MG Women's Self Defense - Pink Belt Program.

The MG Women's Self Defense - Pink Belt Program is comprised of 20 essential techniques with various base styles. All incorporated into Ten (10) Two (2) hour lessons. This self-defense course addresses the most dangerous and common threat scenarios women may potentially face.  It not only teaches the physical techniques, that have been tested and refined, but what sets the program apart is the  strategy to avoid being victimized through understanding the Psychology of an assault.  By understanding the phases of an assault one can apply the right tactic at the right time.


Boundaries are everything.  In an assault scenario, most women end up at a tactical disadvantage because they do not know to set personal boundaries in advance.  This leaves them vulnerable to not only stranger attackers but also non-stranger attackers.  Statistics show that 78% of assaults are committed by someone known to the victim - and because of this, boundaries can be muddied and compromised.

There is a general psychology behind each of the 2 types of attackers and understanding this psychology is the difference between being victimized and being empowered.  We believe that women have the wherewithal within them, to protect themselves.  But because of social or conditioned beliefs, they unknowingly position themselves at a disadvantage against a would be attacker.  The MG Women's Self Defense - Pink Belt Program program addresses these invisible threats and equips the individual with the senses and techniques that will prevent them from being victimized.


Because (realistically) no two assault scenarios are truly the same, absorbing the root principles to these concepts promotes resilience in the successful application of the techniques.  The techniques learned should be considered tactical tools for when boundaries are compromised.  But the principles of kenpo karate martial arts provide an overarching strategy that every woman should have with her as part of her lifestyle.


The premise behind THE LESSONS assumes the attacker will be much larger, stronger and heavier than the target.

10 Lessons to get you ‘street ready.’  The MG Women's Self Defense - Pink Belt program is comprised of 10 Lessons (20 Self-defense techniques).  Each lesson focuses on a technique that addresses the most common assault scenarios.  The technique will have variations and will be drilled throughout the class with female partner in a cooperative manner.

Throughout the lesson, the principles of the self-defense techniques are emphasized to allow more in depth understanding of the objective, as opposed to limiting understanding to a perfectly situated scenario.  This addresses the realistic context that not every attack will occur in perfect way.


The Pink Belt is a rank that symbolizes the completion of the program within the strict guidelines and point system parameters set by MG Martial Arts.  Achieving proficiency in the application of the MG Women's Self Defense - Pink Belt Program techniques, understanding the Psychology of an Assault and the feeling of confidence in protecting your boundaries should be the main goal.  Achieving the Pink Belt says that you have attained proficiency of the MG Women's Self Defense - Pink Belt program and is recognized by Maurice Gomez. Your learning doesnt' end at pink belt. There's more! It's called the Pink Belt Journey.


The following is a basic outline of our curriculum.  Although it may look small at first glance, keep in mind that it's only a top level outline.  Entire books could be written on each bulleted sub-section.

Lesson 1:

Lesson 2:

Lesson 3: Standup Defense

Lesson 4: Ground Defense

Lesson 5: Ground Defense

Lesson 6: Ground Defense

Lesson 7: Standup Defense

Lesson 8: Assault Defense

Lesson 9: Punch Defense

Lesson 10: Lethal/Non-Lethal Physical Weapons



The Pink Belt Program is NOT just a one & done course. You have the option to join our regular martial arts Kenpo 5.0 Journey when the course is over, but we understand that formal martial art training is not for everyone, so we came up with something for you all that will help you continue on your journey of self-defense, protection and empowerment. It's the Pink Belt Journey. Once you have completed your 1st pink belt course. Your training should not stop there. we highly encourage you to further your training and keep at it, otherwise, your newly found skills will diminish due to lack of training.

Upon completion of your first pink belt program, you will obtain a level 1 pink belt. You will have the opportunity to re-enroll in the program at a discounted rate to keep sharpening your skills and strengthen your reflex development and applications of the techniques that you're learning. You will just keep getting better and better. You'll also introduced to different variations of the base techniques.

Once you have completed the program 3 times and completed all three levels, you will be given a NEW belt, which is an instructor's belt. You will have the opportunity to continue taking the program under the guidance of Mr. Gomez where you will have a special class of your own bi-weekly. This is where you will continue to fine-tune your skills and learn new variations of the base techniques that you have already learned. You will also be asked to come into the level 1-3 class, assist Mr. Gomez with helping others learn their base material.

Once you have completed 2 programs as an instructor, you will be given a NEW belt, called the senior instructor's belt. This will be given only to those that have truly mastered our program and understands not only the physical aspect of our program, but the psychology/mindset aspects that we cover as well. You will then be given permission to offer these courses on your own wherever you choose. For example, offer it at a community center, a women's crisis shelter, a school, etc.etc. You can charge for the program and get paid to teach what you have grown to love.

pink belt